Nature Through the Lens: Brad Carr's Journey of Discovery and Healing

Out among the serene hills of Wales, you'll find nature photographer and writer, Brad Carr.
The photographer's journey to reconnect with nature has been one that has fuelled his passion and healed him when he needed it the most.
Not only does he look at nature as a place to refresh and reconnect, but he believes nature is his teacher.
We were blown away by some of the lessons and philosophy Brad shared with us. Read on for your nature inspiration.
Pictured, Dawn Sunlight Piercing Morning Mist by Brad Carr.
Born in England but having spent the last 24 years in Wales, Brad’s heart is firmly rooted in the rugged landscapes that have shaped him.
"Wales is, and always will be, home within my heart," Brad shares, his affection for the rolling hills.
Aside from his art, Brad indulges in exercise routines that include calisthenics, enjoys reading, and unwinds with movies. However, his most
cherished accomplishment is educational: "My proudest achievement to date
was delivering my creative practice to a class of Year 2 children for ten weeks
at the beginning of 2024."
For the experienced photographer, nature has played multiple roles—as a father, a best friend, and a therapist—guiding him through life’s complexities.
Q: Have you ever felt a natural inclination or connection to nature, even before consciously incorporating it into your lifestyle?
"I would say that nature has always had a place in my life, although for many years, my love of the natural world was perhaps more unconscious," he reflects. "Most of my happiest childhood memories are from time spent outdoors, particularly in a woodland in Southwater where my grandparents lived."
Pictured, New Dawn by Brad Carr. Credit:
A new dawn for Brad started in what was a difficult time in his life. Despite this, he gained a newfound passion and as you can see from his work, an awe-inspiring talent.
Brad’s foray into photography began somewhat unexpectedly in 2018, following a personal breakup that left him searching for a new direction. What started with gym selfies swiftly transitioned to nature photography during a trip to Pistyll Rhaeadr with a friend.
"After taking a few upmarket selfies, I turned the camera outwards and began clicking away at everything," he recalls. Though his initial shots were far from perfect, they sparked a determined quest for improvement that led him to a professional career in photography. "Six years later, I’m earning a (very unstable) living from photography!"
Q: Your photos often depict serene and stunning landscapes. How do you choose your subjects, and what do you aim to convey through your images?
Brad's approach to selecting his photographic subjects is intuitive. "The subjects choose me," he states. His practice is about finding places that resonate with him deeply, capturing the stillness within and mirroring it through his lens.
"It’s about finding a place that speaks to me," Brad explains. "I am trying to express what I don’t remember feeling all too often throughout my chaotic and turbulent childhood years. There is beauty all around us; it just takes a little bit of looking sometimes."
Pictured, Snowdonia by Brad Carr. Credit:
Snowdonia holds a special place in Brad's heart, symbolising freedom and self-discovery.
"I would ‘run away’ to Snowdonia every weekend when I worked in the mind-numbing corporate world," he explains. The national park's mythical and legendary aura provided a stark contrast to his weekday life, offering a space for creativity and renewal.
Brad’s frequent trips to Snowdonia allowed him to leave behind the corporate persona and embrace his true self. "I love the magic in the national park. You know, the fact that myths and legends are still well and truly alive," he muses. This connection has deeply influenced his work, imbuing his photographs with a sense of wonder and escapism.
As a photographer who spends a significant amount of time outdoors, Brad’s relationship with nature has evolved profoundly through his lens. He describes the camera as a bridge connecting two worlds—the external world and the inner world of the artist.
Q: As a photographer who spends a lot of time outdoors, how has your relationship with nature evolved through your lens?
"The camera captures what it sees in the external world that is so familiar to us all, but it also reflects the inner world of the artist," Brad says. This dual perspective has brought him closer to himself, shortening the bridge between his inner and outer worlds.
Photography often requires patience and silence, especially in nature. For Brad, these moments of stillness are vital. "Silence and stillness are crucial. I believe it is in these moments that we train the sixth sense of intuition," he says. This deep connection with nature has enhanced his sensitivity towards the natural world and fostered empathy and understanding.
Aside from photography, Brad enjoys journalling, often noting down reflections, thoughts, and the beginnings of essays and other pieces of writing. Recently, he has found himself writing more poetry and even weaving together lyrics inspired by nature.
Q: Aside from photography, in what other ways do you enjoy nature?
"I journal avidly, often noting down reflections, thoughts, and the beginnings of essays and other pieces of writing," Brad shares. "I also love to simply ‘be’ outdoors amongst the trees or taking a dip in some cold waters."
Reflecting on a pivotal moment, Brad recalls a late-night drive during the peak of his depression after a breakup. "I took a simple photograph of a dwindling sunset out of the window of my car. It was nothing special, but I just remember looking at that photograph a few times and seeing real beauty in it," he shares. This experience marked the beginning of his appreciation for the healing aspects of nature.
Golden Sunlight Burning Through Fog in Woodland by Brad Carr. Credit:
The writer and photographer proves that we don't need to force anything and instead we can forge an organic relationship with the great outdoors.
Brad believes that nature sought him out, rather than the other way around. "It was unconscious, I would say. I think Nature sought me out, more so," he reflects.
Nature has been instrumental in his mental and physical well-being. "Nature has been the portal for me to access many of the lost parts of my psyche," he explains. Understanding the seasons within nature has helped him make peace with the seasons within his own life, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose.
Maintaining a connection with nature hasn’t always been easy, especially with the pressures of running a business. However, Brad finds solace in the moments he spends outdoors, even amidst the demands of his professional life.
Q: Have you faced any challenges or obstacles in maintaining a connection with nature? How did you overcome them?
"Never. Apart from, perhaps, feeling the pressure to run a business and make a living, so that I might get to enjoy more of its fruits in the future," he admits.
Though his professional life is fast-paced and technology-driven, Brad makes a conscious effort to step outside and reconnect with nature. "The world of social media has a bit of a hold on me," he reveals, but he balances it with his time outdoors.
Recently, Brad has been more vocal about his connection with nature and his journey. "I have always felt as though I have a duty to pass on what I learn," he says. Brad’s journey has guided him towards being of service, and he now sees himself as Mother Nature’s messenger, fighting to keep her secrets and wisdom alive for future generations.
For those considering incorporating more nature into their lives, Brad offers heartfelt advice. "Mother Nature is our greatest healer, and I don’t think that anyone can go wrong in rekindling a relationship with her," he says. He also encourages aspiring photographers to follow their curiosity and intuition, suggesting that photography has the power to transform lives.
Other stories similar to Brad's in our Nature Heals Series, showcasing real people with real stories.
A relatable story about how Brad reconnected with nature and fuelled a passion for photography.